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Parent to,

Dear Sir/Madam,
Receive our heartfelt gratitude for your exceptional support in the year 2023.
Special appreciation to all Parent Academic Committee members for their selfless service and sacrifice of their valuable time and resources in supporting our learners.
We are breaking for the longest vacation ever. It is our advice and hope that you will keep it close with your child(ren).
As a progressive thinking institution, we have come up with child friendly programs that can keep your son/daughter engaged positively.

Soccer training programme
Our schools have partnered with Tradewinds Sports Development team to engage our boys and girls during the first 5 weeks of the vacation. This is a professional team that will be training interested boys and girls on basic football skills as a way of enhancing talent development. The team also infuses life skills in their training programmes hence the all round
approach to benefit our children.

This is a precursor to a sports and talent development program that will be rolled out in 2024.
For more information please contact, Mr. Ken: 0700 431 044, Mr. Nzioki: 0718 411 120, Mr. Robert: 0729 733 264,
Mr. Mwasaru 0729 288 978

Family bonding program (family fun day)
This program is geared towards enhancing parents bonding with their children through fun filled activities. Besides, it will be a perfect opportunity for parents to connect and network over a meal (to be provided by the school).
Kindly register attendance through your child(ren’s) class teacher for logistics and planning purposes.Y

The programme is open to all our parents, children and friends and will be held in the following centers; –

1. Mekaela Weber School – 9th November 2023, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

2. Mekaela Manuel Alexander School – 11th November 2023 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

3. Mekaela Ratinga School – 13th November 2023 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Holiday programmes
Learners have been issued with a revision booklet. Kindly help them come up with a relaxed program to guide them to ensure work is well spread and done before opening, as opposed to rushing through the last week to opening as it has been the case in the past holidays.

Form 2 and 3 will have online lessons running from 6th to 24th November. This is a progressive syllabus coverage program hence all students are expected to attend lessons without fail.

Highlights of 2024 academic year.
We are delighted to inform you that we have done structural reorganization of our institutions to comply with competence-based curriculum guidelines and exceed expectations in our service delivery. This is in line with PWPER report.
In this case; –

i. Manuel Alexander School & Mekaela Likunda School. Will purely offer Pre-unit and Primary school education. (i.e., Day Care, Pre-School & Grade 1-6).
All grade 6 graduates will be transiting to Mekaela Junior School -Lulu Campus)

ii. Mekaela Ratinga & Mekaela Weber Comprehensive Schools. These will offer education from Pre -unit to Junior High School. (i.e Day Care, Pre-school, Grade 1-6 and Grade 7-9 Wing (Campus) as one Institution)

iii. Mekaela Junior School-Lulu Campus. This is a unique standalone mixed day and boarding Junior High School, an ideal set up for Junior High school.

iv. Mekaela Senior High School. A mixed boarding High School located at Diani Beach offering form 2 to form 4 classes in 2024